
How to Accessorize a Kitchen Counter

It takes an organized person to make a search “how to accessorize a kitchen counter”. Because a lot of people overlook accessorizing their kitchen counters.


The kitchen is one of the most important places in the house; as a result, we should prioritize decorating it to reflect our personalities.

Decorating the kitchen corner makes the kitchen look so attractive and aesthetical. Though, it comes with a lot of work and creativity.


Now the big question is, “How can you decorate your kitchen countertop without clutter?”

To help you get the feel of how to dress kitchen countertop is the reason I published this article. So relax to read to the last.

There are best ways to decorate the kitchen counter’s corner that make it so charming. It doesn’t matter if your kitchen is small or large, it will still work and you will be able to bring beauty and creativity to your kitchen.


Making the kitchen counter lively and beautiful has lots of positive impacts. The first is that it makes you want to use the kitchen always. Once your kitchen is lovely, you will always want to prepare dishes.

Secondly, it induces cleanliness and proper hygiene. If your kitchen matches your lovely personality and is beautiful, you wouldn’t want to stain your personality by keeping it dirty. You will always want to keep it clean. By keeping it clean, you will also be keeping off dirty bugs like cockroaches.

We have discussed the reason for accessorizing your kitchen counters. But, what are the unique accessories you should have in the kitchen?

So without further ado, let’s look at the unique kitchen countertop accessories and how to arrange them


Unique kitchen Countertop Accessories

Small Appliance

The best way to style your kitchen counters using the small appliances you already have is to stylishly arrange them on the counter. By arranging them on the counter, you will be making it easy to access them when needed. You should also move your appliance cords nearly behind the appliances to prevent them from looking messy.


You can make use of canisters when banking. It reduces the messy nature of your kitchen when baking, especially when you have to take out the floors from the bag directly.

Using Trays

Having small kitchen tools clustered up and lying around will create a messy kitchen feeling. What I suggest you do is place all the small kitchen tools in a tray. It creates order and beauty in the kitchen.

Cooking Utensils

The best place to keep your kitchen utensils is in the kitchen cabinet drawers. The rule of thumb is that you should never forget to always take them back after use. Also, ensure they are well washed before placing them in the drawer to avoid smelling.

Alternatively, you can make a wooden shelf that can contain your utensils. And it makes them easy accessible.


Apart from supplying light, candles also play a great role in removing smells from the kitchen when cooking. If you must use candles when cooking, I’ll suggest you look for those with a sweet smell like citrus or vanilla fragrance.

Flower and plant

Adding flowers to your kitchen makes it cool and filled with fresh air. But the way you do it will either make your kitchen messy or lovely.

The best practice is to place the flower pot on the kitchen countertops that does not have your burner or stove on.

 Pretty containers

Every kitchen sink should contain at least one bar of soap. If your soap is a liquid soap, stack it up in a bottle and keep it close to the sink. If it’s table soap, then look for a pretty container and keep it close to the sink.

Please don’t leave the soap in the sink. It will melt and make your sink messy, thereby making your kitchen messy.


Towels are one of the things you should display on your kitchen counters because kitchens are made up of hard substances. It won’t be a bad idea to add things like towels. It will make your kitchen feel softer and more modern. But please don’t leave it lying around; keep it somewhere a bit far from the cooking kitchen counter.


A lot of people don’t fancy adding artwork to the kitchen or probably believe artwork doesn’t fit. One beautiful thing about artwork is that it showcases personality. So, I suggest you decorate your kitchen counter corner with one.

Cutting boards

We have various types of cutting boards depending on your preference. Decorating your kitchen countertop with cutting boards is a bit easy. What you should do is lean the cutting board against your backsplash.


A lot of us cooks like to try out new recipes, and for that reason, we often make use of recipe books when cooking. Leaving these books lying around makes your kitchen counter messy. What you should do is create a little wooden shelf to stack up your recipe books.

How to Accessorize a Kitchen Counter -FAQ

What should I display on my kitchen counter?

Small appliances can be left on the counter table. You can, as well, have a little wooden shelf for plates and cooking utensils, making it easy to access them when needed.

Can I decorate my kitchen counter without clutter?

Of course, you can. If you don’t have clutter, there is no need to get one unless you want to use it. You can use plants instead.

How do I style my kitchen countertops?

You can style your kitchen countertops with towels, plants, and cutting boards. Place the plants on a different counter to prevent dirt from entering your food. Place your cutting boards directly against the wall.

How to Accessorize a Kitchen Counter -Conclusion

Accessorizing our kitchen countertops is strongly dependent on our likes and personalities. We could easily make our kitchen counter beautiful by making use of the appliances we already have or by building small shelves for various purposes.

Decorating your kitchen counter to suit your taste and personality has nothing to do with space. It doesn’t matter whether you have a large or small kitchen space. so if you’re looking for the perfect way to bring beauty and creativity to your kitchen. I’ll suggest you follow the ideas above because it answers your question how to accessorize a kitchen counter

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